Gratitude ~ The Best of Summer

581 A circumhorizontal arc
582 Shadows of light making a heart on an aspen
583 A huge rock jutting out of a mountainside holding up a tree

584 My favorite river place

585 The little white bridge

586 Rocks  : )

587 Mount of the Holy Cross

588 Sitting in mountain meadows full of wildflowers listening to quiet
589 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…

590 He leadeth me beside the still waters…

591 He restoreth my soul

592 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

593 I will fear no evil…

594 For Thou art with me…
595 Giving us hind’s feet in high places…

596 Some of us anyway… : )

597 Farmer’s market flowers

598 Wild flowers

599 Rocks with smiley faces in the high places

600 Praise the Almighty God from Whom all blessings flow!
Photos taken in the High Places by various members of the family. : )